Ready For An Energy Boost to Expand In Your Fullness And Get To The Next Level In Life?
Ready to feel your happiest, most confident, highest, divine, well-being Self? What do you want for yourself? How is the version of you that already accomplished what you want, what are they advising you to do?

What if you have the tools, resources, and mindset to activate your Highest Self within you? And intensify it?
Ready for more positivity, empowerment, good energy in your life?
Hi, I am Andrea Abreu, and I am here to help you. With 15+ years of consulting and coaching experience, I help teams, individuals, and projects get the energy and resource boost to accomplish goals. I know my gift is to motivate you to get to the next level of flourishing. My gift is to activate and intensify the energy boost within you and empower you.
This course shows you exactly how.

What's Inside the Energy Boost Course And How Will This Benefit Me:
All the tools, strategies, mindsets, and motivation techniques I know having gathered them from 15+ years in consulting and coaching. This is what I see works and I am sharing it with you because I like seeing people thrive and be their full Selves.
The Course Breakdown:
Module 1: Sunshine Boost. Intro to set you up for positivity. My intention for this module is that it activates and intensifies your Highest, Magnificent Self.
Module 2: Let go, Release, Forgive, Make Peace. Let go, forgive, heal. This clears energy you can let go of, and brings in positive, abundant, high energy, the energy of your Real Self. And then we intensify it.
Module 3: What Energizes You? What do you love about yourself? What do you appreciate? This module focuses on your looking at you and fully loving yourself and then intensifying it x10, everyday.
Module 4: Your Highest Self and the Concept of Exchanging to Your Highest Self Immediately. This is a highly impactful concept in accessing your highest capabilities. It's called the concept of exchanging to your Highest Self. It's transformative. It manifests fast. It sets you for success, impact, a major energy boost and transformation. I use this to manifest quickly.
Module 5: The Concept of Focusing On What's Becoming. You'll learn the concept of being unconditional and choosing to put your focus and energy on what you want, regardless of what's happening. And magic happens. Truly.
Module 6: Lies to Magnificent Truths. Examine beliefs in your life. Rewrite the ones that are negative and don't serve you and live your truths, the ones that propel you and help you accomplish your goals. AND BE THESE TRUTHS.
Module 7: Give Yourself Permission To Live In Your Magnificence. What does your magnificence look like? Who are you at your magnificence? In this module, you'll establish this and from here on out, be your Magnificent Self, and use this for good.
BONUS Module 8: JUMPING PAD TO YOUR FURTHER SUCCESSES. This module is a jumping pad to your further successes and a call to keep being your high vibration magnificence. Are you ready to experience more of your flourishing? And joy? And positivity? And abundance?

Feel More Motivation

Get To The Next Level Of Magnificent Your Flourishing

Get An Energy Boost
Ready to Feel Empowered?
Receive the energy boost to transform, enjoy your evolution, enjoy your flourishing
Sign Up For The Course NowTestimonials
"You gave me the energy boost needed this year."
"Andrea really helped; she is like an amazing motivational energy boosting cheerleader."
"This really helped me find a relationship and now I'm in a happy relationship."
"She really helped and was critical in getting us the necessary resources for success."
"She is amazing and really is a trusted, confident motivator."
"She is so effective and really helped and truly impacted me."
"You have a magnetic personality and your smile is so infectious."
"I love working with Andrea- she has a positivity that is infectious and needed by everyone."
"Thank you for your help."
"Thank you so much. This helped so much!"
"It was a transformational experience, Andrea!"
"You're amazing and I love you!"
Andrea, you're amazing! Keep doing what you're doing! You're pulling so much insight from just your talent!"
"Thank you so much. This helped me so much."
"Andrea helped me build my confidence in my decision making."
"I really appreciate the care, concern and commitment."
"I appreciate this so much and it changed my life."
"Andrea is amazing."
"Andrea is gifted. She's everyone's own cheerleader and I easily wanted to open up to her."
"This course will really benefit a lot of people."
"I feel so much better. Your presence matters, and I feel sunshine."